Become a supporter
The Liberal Institute depends on your support for the research, further development and dissemination of liberal ideas. As a free-market, independent think tank, the Liberal Institute does not claim any government funding and relies exclusively on private support. (The Liberal Institute is a foundation recognized as a non-profit organization, exempt from taxation and subject to legal supervision according to Art. 80 ff. ZGB.)
Commitment is based on individual conviction – which is why we offer you a variety of ways to get involved with the Liberal Institute.
As a Sponsor of the Liberal Institute you can play a substantial role in the promotion of a free society of responsible people and help Switzerland remain a successful beacon of freedom outside the European Union? You will be invited to our events and receive our latest publications. For additional information please feel free to contact us. By making a donation of CHF 1000 or more, you automatically become a member of the «LI Supporters Circle» for one year.
Bronze ab CHF 1000
Silver ab CHF 5000
Gold ab CHF 10'000
Platinum ab CHF 20'000
Patron of liberty ab CHF 50'000
You can also benefit the Liberal Institute with a gift or a bequest. For additional information please feel free to contact us.
Tax deduction
Donations in favor of the Liberales Institut can be deducted from taxable income. Please observe the cantonal regulations. For information on this, please contact your local advisor.
Direct bank transfer
Of course we are also happy to receive direct transfers to our account:
IBAN: CH68 0900 0000 8003 6338 2